Sarah Shearer

Kia ora koutou!

Ko Sarah Shearer tōku ingoa.

I am excited to be joining the amazing Te Ao Mārama Team in 2023, a school that has always interested and inspired me.

As an experienced teacher with over 20 years service, in both single cell and more recently innovative learning environments, I am passionate about working collaboratively with a team of ngā kaiako (teachers) who develop warm, reciprocal relationships (whanaungatanga) with ākonga (students) and a programme for learning that is fun, engaging and meaningful.

My love for The Arts, Health, P.E. and Sports is obvious but I am also very passionate about and committed to developing as well as sharing my knowledge and understanding around Culturally Responsive Practice and learning Te Reo Māori.

As a mother of two growing tamariki (children), who now both attend RJHS, I am busy following them with their sports and various interests. During my spare time, I love staying active, hiking, exploring new places and becoming one with my special place, Whangamata - a place that my whānau have been coming to and creating memories for many, many years.

He aha te mea nui o te ao?

He tangata! He tangata! He tangata!

What is the most important thing in the world?

It is people, it is people, it is people.

Ngā mihi nui,

Sarah Shearer

Sarah Shearer

Tūī Rua Team

Email: [email protected]