What Makes Us Special?
Our People
At Te Ao Mārama our staff and children are very friendly, kind and caring.
We pride ourselves on being inclusive and welcoming, and the support that we can provide for our international students and families. Classroom buddies are trained to assist new students integrate socially and help them with their learning.
Our school community is made up of families from all over the world, and we see this diversity as a real strength.
Our school has a very special family feel where all students, staff and parents feel valued and enjoy working together.
We have exceptional teaching staff who take an interest in everyone's well-being, and strive to build positive relationships.
Our Way
We have a strong reputation for our approach to teaching and learning, based on strong international research and evidence. Each term we host many visiting groups to our school to see learning in action.
This is our vision:
- We want to engage learners, spark their passions, and provide exciting opportunities.
- We want learners to learn from their mistakes, try new things, give it a go, and show some grit/resilience.
- We want learners to know themselves, set goals, self manage, and develop confidence.
The New Zealand education system is world renowned for its high quality, student focused curriculum which aims to create young people who will be confident, connected and actively involved lifelong learners.

Our Values
We want our learners (both children and adults) to be:
- Confident
- Creative
- Curious
- Collaborative
- Community-minded
Our school values connect to everything we do at school.
These values are based on community feedback, board/leadership team ideas, and also on international research highlighting the key skills that are most valued in society and the workplace.
We want to prepare our learners for their futures. Whatever that future brings, we know they need to be highly skilled. In order to achieve this, we believe these core values will enable Te Ao Mārama School learners to not only be more successful in their schooling and career, but more importantly life ready.
Our Opportunities
We provide a wide range of opportunities for international students to be involved in cultural and sporting activities and clubs.
Netball, Football, Hockey, Rugby, Cross Country, Basketball, Athletics, Dance, Touch rugby, Tennis.
Kapa Haka, Robotics Club, Dance Crew, Enviro/Garden Club, Student Leaders, Music groups and tuition, Librarians, Road Patrol, Art Extension, Choir, Te Reo Māori, Flight time passion based experiences, Class trips, Camp (Year 4-6)
There are also a number of activities available at school outside of school hours. These are organised by private groups or companies and include martial arts, gymnastics, dance school and Before and after school care.
Our Support
International students at our school will enjoy personalised attention from our highly skilled and friendly team.
What we provide:
- Quality education in a Kiwi classroom environment
- Small group English Language lessons, held separately from main learning programmes
- A wide range of opportunities to join in cultural, arts, music and sporting activities.
- Experienced International Student Manager, to support students & families
- Opportunity for international students to meet and make friends with our friendly New Zealand students.
- A friendly "International Student Buddy" to support in the Learning Community and playground
- Access to in-class support by a Learning Assistant
- Parent information/coffee meetings
- An Orientation tour providing information about the school and our programmes
Our Pathways
Most of our Te Ao Mārama students will move on to Rototuna Junior High School, which is also a stunning new facility. Rototuna also offers places for international students https://www.rhs.school.nz
Many of our international parents may also want to take the opportunity to improve their own English and also to gain new qualifications.